honestly I don't even know how I found this, I think I searched like 'best substacks' (cringe) in 2021 and inexplicably some listicle from a b-grade publication said 'fart.gold' was worth reading. I showed it to my friends and only one of them liked it. we also follow you both on letterboxd, wasn't sure if that was weird. I'm sorta with you on not trying to show you up by being too funny in the comments so 90% of the time I just copy-paste a comment I liked from the latest mrbeast video. I just didn't want you to get lonely or think people didn't read it. love.

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this is king behavior. we love you

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trying so hard to find this listicle now.....

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I've also tried to find it and I think I must've just hallucinated it. Maybe you were on the Substack charts? but tbh I think maybe you have the Mandate of Heaven and I was led here by divine forces

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The only good subscriber..Huw

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