What is this?

Ritam Mehta and Nabeel Chollampat are the two main people that write this thing.

Something we are trying to do is conquer Substack in its entirety—everything we write aims toward that goal. The written word is our benevolent God. Art is purifying; it is truth. That being said, we would both take some money. We will gladly swallow any corporate sponsorships that you guys think of. Just let us know, we’re down.

Fridays at noon except when we’re late/forget.

Why subscribe?

There’s no point, really. Nothing in your life will materially change if you decide to subscribe or not. We couldn’t give less of a shit. Honestly, make your own decision.

Although, now that we think about it, maybe the carbon emissions from sending out one of these things every Friday really do add up—not to mention Substack’s servers, eating up the atmosphere and poisoning the air, both now and in the future. Those are things to think about it if you want to subscribe.

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Just a guy tryin to make it in this crazy world we live in...
Jacob Dysart is a writer and performer who writes this newsletter