I just realized that there’s a whole strike thing going on. It turns out the WGA, the Writers’ Guild of America, is doing this whole thing where they’re not working. I’m likely a part of the Guild (Substack writers are probably included, if I had to guess), so it’s curious why no one reached out and told me about it, but either way, I’ll join in.
I’m not going to write anything today. I’m going to just chill out and have a good time, which is what the strike is all about. This is in solidarity with all those people on the picket lines, the hangouts that are happening there, the connections probably being made, all the riffs between comedy writers standing on the street, riffs I think I could contribute a lot to, and I wish someone had told me because I would have come over and joined and maybe hung out with some of these fellas, but it’s all good, this is in solidarity with them. I will not be writing today.
Here are some visual media—things that are NOT words—instead:
Please do not interact with any of the text associated with these images. Again, I am striking in solidarity with the WGA and am not writing anything. I am part of the whole thing they’re doing, I promise, it’s just that no one reached out, and I did want to get to know everyone, but it seems like they all had their friend groups and cliques all decided already, whatever, that’s totally fine, but again, I’m striking with them.
Ritam’s Footnote
I want to hold up a sign that says “Unless AI has a Brown Body, it cannot speak to the validity of my lived experience, and therefore cannot take a job in a writer’s room.” Pithy.