Shameless plug………I wrote this short story…………….you might like it……………..I guess I could have just published it here on Low Lift Ask too…………but this is cooler trust me…’s on a different website………
I don’t feel like writing much this week, to be completely honest. If you want to read a lot of words that I wrote, hover your cursor about an inch above this and click on that bad boy.
Sometimes images speak louder than words. Sometimes they convey so much more that mere language simply cannot. Sometimes those images are graphics interchange format images, more commonly known as GIFs. And, most especially, they can do all this if they feature longtime NBA character and current head coach of the Philadelphia 76ers Glenn “Doc” Rivers.
Longtime readers will be aware that, in lieu of having complex intellectual responses to various statements and opinions that people in my life express to me, I have Doc Rivers. His famously hoarse rasp, his stocky frame, his leathery visage, which can contort itself to manifest every human emotion, past, present, and future—the man contains everything I need to function in daily conversation. Here is my personal ranking of the collection of Doc Rivers GIFs housed between the GIPHY and Tenor catalogues.
Honorable Mentions:
Ritam’s Footnote
There is a subtle difference between incorrect, outdated reaction gif usage, and appropriate, cool reaction gif usage. To use reaction gifs well, the gifs must be worlds unto themselves, the feelings must be instantly recognizable and displayed genuinely on the subject’s face. The deployment of the gif as a response is, in and of itself, a little tongue-in-cheek. There is power in knowing how to use a reaction gif in 2022. Do not stray too far from these guidelines, or you may never find your way back…