Here’s a good prompt I came across from Twitter user @rockanrollphoto:

I partnered with GlaxoSmithKline and SUNY Binghamton to conduct the following study: I asked My Boys if they’d do their civic duty to inoculate themselves against a deadly virus if it meant dropping a couple of clicks off the dome.

Good first catch here—feels like the parameters should have been more explicitly defined. That being said, I agree with this Boy. You have a lot more room to work with when you’re hard.

I appreciate the effort here, but my Boy didn’t answer the question.

Sure. I get this.


Had to go back inside for WiFi to make a decision. Respect.

Boy 1 drops a solid 5/10 joke here, but Boy 2 really comes out swinging. Aesthetics aside, Boy 2 is correct—whatever we do, Bill Gates wins.

Boy 1 responds with another hypothetical, and then poses the same hypothetical multiplied by 2. Come on, man.



This exchange confronts us with another question: would you want to have the world’s biggest penis if it meant you weren’t inoculated against COVID-19?

Imagery here is cool.

So—there you have it, folks. It feels like this is inconclusive, but I do like seeing the myriad responses My Boys have provided. Outside of the curiously repeated “-1 inch penis joke,” it turns out I do have a diverse group of friends.
As for myself? Yeah, I would. I wouldn’t call myself a hero or anything, but you can, if you want to.
Ritam’s Footnote
Regretting asking my coworkers to subscribe to this newsletter. Here’s some dataviz.